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wp-includes/functions.php › WordPress File
› Main WordPress API
Function | Short description |
add_magic_quotes | Walks the array while sanitizing the contents. |
add_query_arg | Retrieves a modified URL query string. |
apache_mod_loaded | Determines whether the specified module exist in the Apache config. |
bool_from_yn | Determines whether input is yes or no. |
build_query | Builds URL query based on an associative and, or indexed array. |
cache_javascript_headers | Sets the HTTP headers for caching for 10 days with JavaScript content type. |
clean_dirsize_cache | Cleans directory size cache used by recurse_dirsize(). |
current_datetime | Retrieves the current time as an object using the site's timezone. |
current_time | Retrieves the current time based on specified type. |
date_i18n | Retrieves the date in localized format, based on a sum of Unix timestamp and timezone offset in seconds. |
dead_db | Loads custom DB error or display WordPress DB error. |
do_enclose | Checks content for video and audio links to add as enclosures. |
do_favicon | Displays the favicon.ico file content. |
do_feed | Loads the feed template from the use of an action hook. |
do_feed_atom | Loads either Atom comment feed or Atom posts feed. |
do_feed_rdf | Loads the RDF RSS 0.91 Feed template. |
do_feed_rss | Loads the RSS 1.0 Feed Template. |
do_feed_rss2 | Loads either the RSS2 comment feed or the RSS2 posts feed. |
do_robots | Displays the default robots.txt file content. |
force_ssl_admin | Determines whether to force SSL used for the Administration Screens. |
get_allowed_mime_types | Retrieves the list of allowed mime types and file extensions. |
get_dirsize | Gets the size of a directory. |
get_file_data | Retrieves metadata from a file. |
get_main_network_id | Gets the main network ID. |
get_main_site_id | Gets the main site ID. |
get_num_queries | Retrieves the number of database queries during the WordPress execution. |
get_status_header_desc | Retrieves the description for the HTTP status. |
get_tag_regex | Returns RegEx body to liberally match an opening HTML tag. |
get_temp_dir | Determines a writable directory for temporary files. |
get_weekstartend | Gets the week start and end from the datetime or date string from MySQL. |
human_readable_duration | Converts a duration to human readable format. |
iis7_supports_permalinks | Checks if IIS 7+ supports pretty permalinks. |
is_blog_installed | Determines whether WordPress is already installed. |
is_lighttpd_before_150 | Determines whether the server is running an earlier than 1.5.0 version of lighttpd. |
is_main_network | Determines whether a network is the main network of the Multisite installation. |
is_main_site | Determines whether a site is the main site of the current network. |
is_new_day | Determines whether the publish date of the current post in the loop is different from the publish date of the previous post in the loop. |
is_php_version_compatible | Checks compatibility with the current PHP version. |
is_serialized | Checks value to find if it was serialized. |
is_serialized_string | Checks whether serialized data is of string type. |
is_site_meta_supported | Determines whether site meta is enabled. |
is_utf8_charset | Indicates if a given slug for a character set represents the UTF-8 text encoding. If not provided, examines the current blog's charset. |
is_wp_version_compatible | Checks compatibility with the current WordPress version. |
maybe_serialize | Serializes data, if needed. |
maybe_unserialize | Unserializes data only if it was serialized. |
mbstring_binary_safe_encoding | Sets the mbstring internal encoding to a binary safe encoding when func_overload is enabled. |
mysql2date | Converts given MySQL date string into a different format. |
mysql_to_rfc3339 | Parses and formats a MySQL datetime (Y-m-d H:i:s) for ISO8601 (Y-m-d\TH:i:s). |
nocache_headers | Sets the HTTP headers to prevent caching for the different browsers. |
number_format_i18n | Converts float number to format based on the locale. |
path_is_absolute | Tests if a given filesystem path is absolute. |
path_join | Joins two filesystem paths together. |
recurse_dirsize | Gets the size of a directory recursively. |
remove_query_arg | Removes an item or items from a query string. |
reset_mbstring_encoding | Resets the mbstring internal encoding to a users previously set encoding. |
send_frame_options_header | Sends a HTTP header to limit rendering of pages to same origin iframes. |
send_nosniff_header | Sends a HTTP header to disable content type sniffing in browsers which support it. |
size_format | Converts a number of bytes to the largest unit the bytes will fit into. |
smilies_init | Converts smiley code to the icon graphic file equivalent. |
status_header | Sets HTTP status header. |
validate_file | Validates a file name and path against an allowed set of rules. |
win_is_writable | Workaround for Windows bug in is_writable() function |
wp | Sets up the WordPress query. |
wp_admin_notice | Outputs an admin notice. |
wp_allowed_protocols | Retrieves a list of protocols to allow in HTML attributes. |
wp_array_slice_assoc | Extracts a slice of an array, given a list of keys. |
wp_auth_check | Checks whether a user is still logged in, for the heartbeat. |
wp_auth_check_html | Outputs the HTML that shows the wp-login dialog when the user is no longer logged in. |
wp_auth_check_load | Loads the auth check for monitoring whether the user is still logged in. |
wp_cache_get_last_changed | Gets last changed date for the specified cache group. |
wp_cache_set_last_changed | Sets last changed date for the specified cache group to now. |
wp_checkdate | Tests if the supplied date is valid for the Gregorian calendar. |
wp_check_filetype | Retrieves the file type from the file name. |
wp_check_filetype_and_ext | Attempts to determine the real file type of a file. |
wp_check_jsonp_callback | Checks that a JSONP callback is a valid JavaScript callback name. |
wp_date | Retrieves the date, in localized format. |
wp_debug_backtrace_summary | Returns a comma-separated string or array of functions that have been called to get to the current point in code. |
wp_delete_file | Deletes a file. |
wp_delete_file_from_directory | Deletes a file if its path is within the given directory. |
wp_die | Kills WordPress execution and displays HTML page with an error message. |
wp_direct_php_update_button | Displays a button directly linking to a PHP update process. |
wp_ext2type | Retrieves the file type based on the extension name. |
wp_extract_urls | Uses RegEx to extract URLs from arbitrary content. |
wp_filesize | Wrapper for PHP filesize with filters and casting the result as an integer. |
wp_filter_object_list | Filters a list of objects, based on a set of key => value arguments. |
wp_find_hierarchy_loop | Finds hierarchy loops using a callback function that maps object IDs to parent IDs. |
wp_find_hierarchy_loop_tortoise_hare | Uses the "The Tortoise and the Hare" algorithm to detect loops. |
wp_fuzzy_number_match | Checks if two numbers are nearly the same. |
wp_generate_uuid4 | Generates a random UUID (version 4). |
wp_get_admin_notice | Creates and returns the markup for an admin notice. |
wp_get_default_extension_for_mime_type | Returns first matched extension for the mime-type, as mapped from wp_get_mime_types(). |
wp_get_default_update_https_url | Gets the default URL to learn more about updating the site to use HTTPS. |
wp_get_default_update_php_url | Gets the default URL to learn more about updating the PHP version the site is running on. |
wp_get_direct_php_update_url | Gets the URL for directly updating the PHP version the site is running on. |
wp_get_direct_update_https_url | Gets the URL for directly updating the site to use HTTPS. |
wp_get_ext_types | Retrieves the list of common file extensions and their types. |
wp_get_http_headers | Retrieves HTTP Headers from URL. |
wp_get_image_mime | Returns the real mime type of an image file. |
wp_get_mime_types | Retrieves the list of mime types and file extensions. |
wp_get_nocache_headers | Gets the HTTP header information to prevent caching. |
wp_get_original_referer | Retrieves original referer that was posted, if it exists. |
wp_get_raw_referer | Retrieves unvalidated referer from the '_wp_http_referer' URL query variable or the HTTP referer. |
wp_get_referer | Retrieves referer from '_wp_http_referer' or HTTP referer. |
wp_get_update_https_url | Gets the URL to learn more about updating the site to use HTTPS. |
wp_get_update_php_annotation | Returns the default annotation for the web hosting altering the "Update PHP" page URL. |
wp_get_update_php_url | Gets the URL to learn more about updating the PHP version the site is running on. |
wp_get_upload_dir | Retrieves uploads directory information. |
wp_get_wp_version | Returns the current WordPress version. |
wp_guess_url | Guesses the URL for the site. |
wp_is_heic_image_mime_type | Checks if a mime type is for a HEIC/HEIF image. |
wp_is_numeric_array | Determines if the variable is a numeric-indexed array. |
wp_is_serving_rest_request | Determines whether WordPress is currently serving a REST API request. |
wp_is_stream | Tests if a given path is a stream URL |
wp_is_uuid | Validates that a UUID is valid. |
wp_is_writable | Determines if a directory is writable. |
wp_json_encode | Encodes a variable into JSON, with some confidence checks. |
wp_json_file_decode | Reads and decodes a JSON file. |
wp_list_filter | Filters a list of objects, based on a set of key => value arguments. |
wp_list_pluck | Plucks a certain field out of each object or array in an array. |
wp_list_sort | Sorts an array of objects or arrays based on one or more orderby arguments. |
wp_maybe_decline_date | Determines if the date should be declined. |
wp_maybe_load_widgets | Determines if Widgets library should be loaded. |
wp_mkdir_p | Recursive directory creation based on full path. |
wp_nonce_ays | Displays "Are You Sure" message to confirm the action being taken. |
wp_nonce_field | Retrieves or display nonce hidden field for forms. |
wp_nonce_url | Retrieves URL with nonce added to URL query. |
wp_normalize_path | Normalizes a filesystem path. |
wp_ob_end_flush_all | Flushes all output buffers for PHP 5.2. |
wp_original_referer_field | Retrieves or displays original referer hidden field for forms. |
wp_parse_args | Merges user defined arguments into defaults array. |
wp_parse_id_list | Cleans up an array, comma- or space-separated list of IDs. |
wp_parse_list | Converts a comma- or space-separated list of scalar values to an array. |
wp_parse_slug_list | Cleans up an array, comma- or space-separated list of slugs. |
wp_post_preview_js | Outputs a small JS snippet on preview tabs/windows to remove `window.name` when a user is navigating to another page. |
wp_privacy_anonymize_data | Returns uniform "anonymous" data by type. |
wp_privacy_anonymize_ip | Returns an anonymized IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files | Cleans up export files older than three days old. |
wp_privacy_exports_dir | Returns the directory used to store personal data export files. |
wp_privacy_exports_url | Returns the URL of the directory used to store personal data export files. |
wp_raise_memory_limit | Attempts to raise the PHP memory limit for memory intensive processes. |
wp_recursive_ksort | Sorts the keys of an array alphabetically. |
wp_referer_field | Retrieves or displays referer hidden field for forms. |
wp_remote_fopen | HTTP request for URI to retrieve content. |
wp_removable_query_args | Returns an array of single-use query variable names that can be removed from a URL. |
wp_scheduled_delete | Permanently deletes comments or posts of any type that have held a status of 'trash' for the number of days defined in EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS. |
wp_schedule_delete_old_privacy_export_files | Schedules a `WP_Cron` job to delete expired export files. |
wp_send_json | Sends a JSON response back to an Ajax request. |
wp_send_json_error | Sends a JSON response back to an Ajax request, indicating failure. |
wp_send_json_success | Sends a JSON response back to an Ajax request, indicating success. |
wp_site_admin_email_change_notification | Sends an email to the old site admin email address when the site admin email address changes. |
wp_suspend_cache_addition | Temporarily suspends cache additions. |
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation | Suspends cache invalidation. |
wp_timezone | Retrieves the timezone of the site as a `DateTimeZone` object. |
wp_timezone_choice | Gives a nicely-formatted list of timezone strings. |
wp_timezone_override_offset | Modifies gmt_offset for smart timezone handling. |
wp_timezone_string | Retrieves the timezone of the site as a string. |
wp_trigger_error | Generates a user-level error/warning/notice/deprecation message. |
wp_unique_filename | Gets a filename that is sanitized and unique for the given directory. |
wp_unique_id | Gets unique ID. |
wp_unique_prefixed_id | Generates an incremental ID that is independent per each different prefix. |
wp_update_php_annotation | Prints the default annotation for the web host altering the "Update PHP" page URL. |
wp_upload_bits | Creates a file in the upload folder with given content. |
wp_upload_dir | Returns an array containing the current upload directory's path and URL. |
wp_validate_boolean | Filters/validates a variable as a boolean. |
wp_widgets_add_menu | Appends the Widgets menu to the themes main menu. |
xmlrpc_getpostcategory | Retrieves the post category or categories from XMLRPC XML. |
xmlrpc_getposttitle | Retrieves post title from XMLRPC XML. |
xmlrpc_removepostdata | XMLRPC XML content without title and category elements. |
_ajax_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays Ajax response with an error message. |
_canonical_charset | Retrieves a canonical form of the provided charset appropriate for passing to PHP functions such as htmlspecialchars() and charset HTML attributes. |
_cleanup_header_comment | Strips close comment and close php tags from file headers used by WP. |
_config_wp_home | Retrieves the WordPress home page URL. |
_config_wp_siteurl | Retrieves the WordPress site URL. |
_default_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays HTML page with an error message. |
_delete_option_fresh_site | Deletes the fresh site option. |
_deprecated_argument | Marks a function argument as deprecated and inform when it has been used. |
_deprecated_class | Marks a class as deprecated and informs when it has been used. |
_deprecated_constructor | Marks a constructor as deprecated and informs when it has been used. |
_deprecated_file | Marks a file as deprecated and inform when it has been used. |
_deprecated_function | Marks a function as deprecated and inform when it has been used. |
_deprecated_hook | Marks a deprecated action or filter hook as deprecated and throws a notice. |
_device_can_upload | Tests if the current device has the capability to upload files. |
_doing_it_wrong | Marks something as being incorrectly called. |
_get_non_cached_ids | Retrieves IDs that are not already present in the cache. |
_http_build_query | From php.net (modified by Mark Jaquith to behave like the native PHP5 function). |
_jsonp_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays JSONP response with an error message. |
_json_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays JSON response with an error message. |
_mce_set_direction | Sets the localized direction for MCE plugin. |
_scalar_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays an error message. |
_validate_cache_id | Checks whether the given cache ID is either an integer or an integer-like string. |
_wp_array_get | Accesses an array in depth based on a path of keys. |
_wp_array_set | Sets an array in depth based on a path of keys. |
_wp_check_alternate_file_names | Helper function to test if each of an array of file names could conflict with existing files. |
_wp_check_existing_file_names | Helper function to check if a file name could match an existing image sub-size file name. |
_wp_die_process_input | Processes arguments passed to wp_die() consistently for its handlers. |
_wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback | Sort-helper for timezones. |
_wp_to_kebab_case | This function is trying to replicate what lodash's kebabCase (JS library) does in the client. |
_wp_upload_dir | A non-filtered, non-cached version of wp_upload_dir() that doesn't check the path. |
_xmlrpc_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays XML response with an error message. |
_xml_wp_die_handler | Kills WordPress execution and displays XML response with an error message. |
__return_empty_array | Returns an empty array. |
__return_empty_string | Returns an empty string. |
__return_false | Returns false. |
__return_null | Returns null. |
__return_true | Returns true. |
__return_zero | Returns 0. |