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is_utf8_charset › WordPress Function

is_utf8_charset ( $blog_charset = null )
  • (?string) $blog_charset Slug representing a text character encoding, or "charset". E.g. "UTF-8", "Windows-1252", "ISO-8859-1", "SJIS".
    Required: No
    Padrão: null
  • (bool) Whether the slug represents the UTF-8 encoding.
Definido em:

Indicates if a given slug for a character set represents the UTF-8 text encoding. If not provided, examines the current blog's charset.

A charset is considered to represent UTF-8 if it is a case-insensitive match of "UTF-8" with or without the hyphen. Example: true === is_utf8_charset( 'UTF-8' ); true === is_utf8_charset( 'utf8' ); false === is_utf8_charset( 'latin1' ); false === is_utf8_charset( 'UTF 8' ); // Only strings match. false === is_utf8_charset( [ 'charset' => 'utf-8' ] ); // Without a given charset, it depends on the site option "blog_charset". $is_utf8 = is_utf8_charset();


function is_utf8_charset( $blog_charset = null ) {
	$charset_to_examine = $blog_charset ?? get_option( 'blog_charset' );

	 * Only valid string values count: the absence of a charset
	 * does not imply any charset, let alone UTF-8.
	if ( ! is_string( $charset_to_examine ) ) {
		return false;

	return (
		0 === strcasecmp( 'UTF-8', $charset_to_examine ) ||
		0 === strcasecmp( 'UTF8', $charset_to_examine )