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wp-includes/l10n.php › WordPress File

Core Translation API

Function Short description
before_last_barRemoves last item on a pipe-delimited string.
determine_localeDetermines the current locale desired for the request.
esc_attr_eDisplays translated text that has been escaped for safe use in an attribute.
esc_attr_xTranslates string with gettext context, and escapes it for safe use in an attribute.
esc_attr__Retrieves the translation of $text and escapes it for safe use in an attribute.
esc_html_eDisplays translated text that has been escaped for safe use in HTML output.
esc_html_xTranslates string with gettext context, and escapes it for safe use in HTML output.
esc_html__Retrieves the translation of $text and escapes it for safe use in HTML output.
get_available_languagesGets all available languages based on the presence of *.mo and *.l10n.php files in a given directory.
get_localeRetrieves the current locale.
get_translations_for_domainReturns the Translations instance for a text domain.
get_user_localeRetrieves the locale of a user.
has_translationReturns a boolean to indicate whether a translation exists for a given string with optional text domain and locale.
is_locale_switchedDetermines whether switch_to_locale() is in effect.
is_rtlDetermines whether the current locale is right-to-left (RTL).
is_textdomain_loadedDetermines whether there are translations for the text domain.
load_child_theme_textdomainLoads the child theme's translated strings.
load_default_textdomainLoads default translated strings based on locale.
load_muplugin_textdomainLoads the translated strings for a plugin residing in the mu-plugins directory.
load_plugin_textdomainLoads a plugin's translated strings.
load_script_textdomainLoads the script translated strings.
load_script_translationsLoads the translation data for the given script handle and text domain.
load_textdomainLoads a .mo file into the text domain $domain.
load_theme_textdomainLoads the theme's translated strings.
restore_current_localeRestores the translations according to the original locale.
restore_previous_localeRestores the translations according to the previous locale.
switch_to_localeSwitches the translations according to the given locale.
switch_to_user_localeSwitches the translations according to the given user's locale.
translateRetrieves the translation of $text.
translate_nooped_pluralTranslates and returns the singular or plural form of a string that's been registered with _n_noop() or _nx_noop().
translate_settings_using_i18n_schemaTranslates the provided settings value using its i18n schema.
translate_user_roleTranslates role name.
translate_with_gettext_contextRetrieves the translation of $text in the context defined in $context.
unload_textdomainUnloads translations for a text domain.
wp_dropdown_languagesDisplays or returns a Language selector.
wp_get_installed_translationsGets installed translations.
wp_get_l10n_php_file_dataExtracts headers from a PHP translation file.
wp_get_list_item_separatorRetrieves the list item separator based on the locale.
wp_get_pomo_file_dataExtracts headers from a PO file.
wp_get_word_count_typeRetrieves the word count type based on the locale.
_eDisplays translated text.
_exDisplays translated string with gettext context.
_load_textdomain_just_in_timeLoads plugin and theme text domains just-in-time.
_nTranslates and retrieves the singular or plural form based on the supplied number.
_nxTranslates and retrieves the singular or plural form based on the supplied number, with gettext context.
_nx_noopRegisters plural strings with gettext context in POT file, but does not translate them.
_n_noopRegisters plural strings in POT file, but does not translate them.
_xRetrieves translated string with gettext context.
__Retrieves the translation of $text.