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zeroise › WordPress Function

zeroise ( $number, $threshold )
Parâmetros: (2)
  • (int) $number Number to append zeros to if not greater than threshold.
    Required: Yes
  • (int) $threshold Digit places number needs to be to not have zeros added.
    Required: Yes
  • (string) Adds leading zeros to number if needed.
Definido em:

Add leading zeros when necessary.

If you set the threshold to '4' and the number is '10', then you will get back '0010'. If you set the threshold to '4' and the number is '5000', then you will get back '5000'. Uses sprintf to append the amount of zeros based on the $threshold parameter and the size of the number. If the number is large enough, then no zeros will be appended.


function zeroise( $number, $threshold ) {
	return sprintf( '%0' . $threshold . 's', $number );