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wp_get_attachment_image_src › WordPress Function

wp_get_attachment_image_src ( $attachment_id, $size = 'thumbnail', $icon = false )
Parâmetros: (3)
  • (int) $attachment_id Image attachment ID.
    Required: Yes
  • (string|int[]) $size Optional. Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'thumbnail'.
    Required: No
    Padrão: 'thumbnail'
  • (bool) $icon Optional. Whether the image should fall back to a mime type icon. Default false.
    Required: No
    Padrão: false
  • (array|false) { Array of image data, or boolean false if no image is available. @type string $0 Image source URL. @type int $1 Image width in pixels. @type int $2 Image height in pixels. @type bool $3 Whether the image is a resized image. }
Definido em:

Retrieves an image to represent an attachment.


function wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, $size = 'thumbnail', $icon = false ) {
	// Get a thumbnail or intermediate image if there is one.
	$image = image_downsize( $attachment_id, $size );
	if ( ! $image ) {
		$src = false;

		if ( $icon ) {
			$src = wp_mime_type_icon( $attachment_id, '.svg' );

			if ( $src ) {
				/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post.php */
				$icon_dir = apply_filters( 'icon_dir', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/images/media' );

				$src_file = $icon_dir . '/' . wp_basename( $src );

				list( $width, $height ) = wp_getimagesize( $src_file );

				$ext = strtolower( substr( $src_file, -4 ) );

				if ( '.svg' === $ext ) {
					// SVG does not have true dimensions, so this assigns width and height directly.
					$width  = 48;
					$height = 64;
				} else {
					list( $width, $height ) = wp_getimagesize( $src_file );

		if ( $src && $width && $height ) {
			$image = array( $src, $width, $height, false );
	 * Filters the attachment image source result.
	 * @since 4.3.0
	 * @param array|false  $image         {
	 *     Array of image data, or boolean false if no image is available.
	 *     @type string $0 Image source URL.
	 *     @type int    $1 Image width in pixels.
	 *     @type int    $2 Image height in pixels.
	 *     @type bool   $3 Whether the image is a resized image.
	 * }
	 * @param int          $attachment_id Image attachment ID.
	 * @param string|int[] $size          Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
	 *                                    an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
	 * @param bool         $icon          Whether the image should be treated as an icon.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src', $image, $attachment_id, $size, $icon );