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wp_count_terms › WordPress Function

wp_count_terms ( $args = array(), $deprecated = '' )
Parâmetros: (2)
  • (array|string) $args Optional. Array or string of arguments. See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for information on accepted arguments. Default empty array.
    Required: No
    Padrão: array()
  • (array|string) $deprecated Optional. Argument array, when using the legacy function parameter format. If present, this parameter will be interpreted as `$args`, and the first function parameter will be parsed as a taxonomy or array of taxonomies. Default empty.
    Required: No
    Padrão: (empty)
  • (string|WP_Error) Numeric string containing the number of terms in that taxonomy or WP_Error if the taxonomy does not exist.
Definido em:
Log de mudanças:
  • 5.6.0

Counts how many terms are in taxonomy.

Default $args is 'hide_empty' which can be 'hide_empty=true' or array('hide_empty' => true).


function wp_count_terms( $args = array(), $deprecated = '' ) {
	$use_legacy_args = false;

	// Check whether function is used with legacy signature: `$taxonomy` and `$args`.
	if ( $args
		&& ( is_string( $args ) && taxonomy_exists( $args )
			|| is_array( $args ) && wp_is_numeric_array( $args ) )
	) {
		$use_legacy_args = true;

	$defaults = array( 'hide_empty' => false );

	if ( $use_legacy_args ) {
		$defaults['taxonomy'] = $args;
		$args                 = $deprecated;

	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	// Backward compatibility.
	if ( isset( $args['ignore_empty'] ) ) {
		$args['hide_empty'] = $args['ignore_empty'];
		unset( $args['ignore_empty'] );

	$args['fields'] = 'count';

	return get_terms( $args );