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the_taxonomies › WordPress Function

the_taxonomies ( $args = array() )
  • (array) $args { Arguments about which post to use and how to format the output. Shares all of the arguments supported by get_the_taxonomies(), in addition to the following. @type int|WP_Post $post Post ID or object to get taxonomies of. Default current post. @type string $before Displays before the taxonomies. Default empty string. @type string $sep Separates each taxonomy. Default is a space. @type string $after Displays after the taxonomies. Default empty string. }
    Required: No
    Padrão: array()
Definido em:

Displays the taxonomies of a post with available options.

This function can be used within the loop to display the taxonomies for a post without specifying the Post ID. You can also use it outside the Loop to display the taxonomies for a specific post.


function the_taxonomies( $args = array() ) {
	$defaults = array(
		'post'   => 0,
		'before' => '',
		'sep'    => ' ',
		'after'  => '',

	$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	echo $parsed_args['before'] . implode( $parsed_args['sep'], get_the_taxonomies( $parsed_args['post'], $parsed_args ) ) . $parsed_args['after'];